Tips and advice when contacting a breeder
While we make every effort to ensure that the breeders listed on Perfect Pets are registered,responsible, and maintain high ethical standards, please take 5 minutes to read theadvice below and also see our detailed information onfinding a reputable breeder.
Our recommendation is that you purchase pets locally and in person. For many reasons, itis always preferable that you meet and get to know the breeder and vice versa. While many reputable breeders send animals interstate safely and without issue, we do not encourage this.
When you contact a breeder, keep in mindthat responsible breeders will want some information about things like - the type of home you will offer, how much time you have for your new pet, if you have experience with the breed and if not, if you've researched the breed. Responsible breeders don't want to receive emails andmessages that simply ask 'how much for a puppy?', or 'when are kittensavailable' so tell them a bit about yourself.
Remember - when you take ona new pet, you are making a decision that’s going to significantly affect your life for the next 10-15 years. Please make sure the breed you are interested insuits your family and lifestyle, and that you can give it the type of home it needs to be happy. Above all - use common sense anddon't be impulsive.
Pleaseask the breeder these important questions:
1. Can you meet the mother and father, and how old are they?
2. Have the mother and father had any health issues?
3. What health checks and tests were done on theparents and grandparents, are they appropriate for the breed, and can this be verified with documentation?
4. Specifically, what vaccines havebeen given? Are theymicrochipped and registered?
5. Have they beentreated for parasites (fleas and worms), and what treatmentswereused?
6. Have they been checked by a vet, and is there evidence of this?
7. How much socialisation has the puppy or kitten had? Have they been raised in a household where they'vebeen exposedto everyday life/ children/ other pets?
If answered positively and appropriately the answers to these questions should reassure you that the puppy or kitten you're interested in will grow to be a happy healthy animal.
Please note that information regarding breed specific health checks can at times be difficult to understand and interpret.Common genetic disorders are a serious and growing concern. It's not a bad idea to write down the information you've been given and seek advice from your vet for confirmation. Breed clubs are also great sources of information on health testing.
A responsible and caring breeder will also want to make sure you are going to provide a loving and safe forever home, and will ask you lots of questions. They will also provide extensive adviceregarding feeding, health, ongoing socialisation, and the long term needs of your pet.
If you have any concerns about a breeder, the welfare of their animals, or ifthey fail to:
- provide clean and appropriate living conditions for their animals
- meet their promise according to their Perfect Pets Q&A Checklist
- provide documentation supporting health, micro-chipping, vaccinations, pedigree etc
Please contact us, as well as their veterinary practice (if possible), and the appropriate authorities in your area (eg. RSPCA, ANKC, Local Council etc).
All dog breeders listed on Perfect Pets are *verifiedANKC registered breeders. Cat breeders have also been *verified, and are appropriately registered according to their local state/territory guidelines.
*Breeders are verified when joining Perfect Pets, and annually thereafter.
ANKC member bodies can be contacted directly by phone or email:
Dogs VIC -Phone: (03)9788 2500, email:
Dogs NSW -Phone: (02) 9834 3022, email:
Dogs QLD -Phone: (07) 3252 2661,email:
Dogs SA -Phone: (08) 8349 4797, email:
Dogs WEST -Phone: (08) 9455 1188,email:
Dogs NT -Phone: (08) 8984 3570, email:
Dogs ACT -Phone: (02) 6241 4404,
Dogs TAS -Phone: (03) 6272 9443,email:
All dog breeders have agreed to abide byANKCRegulations, including the Code of Ethics.
Please note that because Perfect Pets cannot be directly involved in interactionswe cannot acceptresponsibility for any agreement entered into by a breeder and a petbuyer. Please follow the advice provided.Perfect Pets has nopowers of enforcement and cannot guarantee the reputation of any breeder,or the soundness or suitability of the pet you choose.You must satisfy yourself that any pet youdecide on is fit andhealthy, and will fit withyour family and lifestyle.